BerryAllocWall Panels

Out of the carton onto your wall, kitchen, bathroom, anywhere...

BerryAlloc Kitchen Walls and Wall&Water are decorative, trendy, easy to install, require little maintenance, and are above all, under lifetime warranty. They are the perfect complement to your walls, they meet your wishes and match your imperatives – and they do all that quite naturally. Their patterns, colours and shapes were designed in partnership with our Design agency.

Yes, your kitchen’s wall panels and the finish of your bathroom matter more to us than you might think. Review our range and rely on us for all your renovation or novelty projects by “liking” us.

BerryAlloc captures the mood of the times, allowing its collections to breathe that mood right into your home. Which is your trend? SOURCEGLAM, SENSE OR BLOOM?

Sense – Softness, Evanescence, and Lightness

Is your world one of gentleness… as if floating between earth and sky? You are Sense. Your quest for happiness requires rediscovery of the spiritual dimension and increased trust of your intuition. The materials and shades are soft, sometimes have patina, and are always natural.

If this range appeals then looks closer at the White Oxid, Timeless, Soft Terrazzo and Snow White collections.

Bloom – Freshness, Nomadic and Chlorophyll

Environmental values, green and connected lifestyles, the Bloom trend brings both crafts and the folk spirit back into fashion. An openness to the world, to its cultures while maintaining a level of expectations. Soft textures and rough materials carry your preference.

If this range appeals then consider the concrete, cement, stone or slate, the spirit of tiles, ceramics or brushed aluminium collections.

Source – Warmth, Raw Nature, Primitive

In a world that is changing ever faster and that sometimes takes us by surprise, we feel a need to slow down. We find ourselves hiking in the forest rather than running to the supermarket. Local and authentic values get a place of honor in our heart. The Source trend comes in a range of beige, tan, taupe, linen, matching the green shades of nature and the blue of the sky.

If you like this trend then take a closer look at the Black, Slate, London and Sky Blue collections.

Glam – Pleasure, Luxury and Rococo

It is official: there is a real fascination for everything that glitters, with gold and copper taking the lead, and this warms the universe of interior design. The Glam trend is a perfect mix of the real and the imaginary, of ancient luxury and modern purity.

If you like this trend take a closer look at Black, Slate, London and Sky Blue collections.

Varietyof Finishes


BerryAlloc Walls are made of high pressure laminates (HPL) or compact laminates (CPL), which are both very durable. They are extremely solid as well as shock and UV-resistant.

• Lifetime warranty
• 100PCT Waterproof
• Wear proof panels
• Authentic finish
• Easy and fast installation
• Easy care

The panels are made in a variety of finishes:-

For more information please contact our team via email, Facebook message or call into our showroom.

In the meantime take a look through the gallery of different styles and examples below.

BerryAllocWall Gallery